The Creative Force:
An Anderson F(a)eri(e/y) Retreat with Anaar and Storm Faerywolf

11 – 15 September 2024
Nijmegen, the Netherlands


Open to Feri Initiates, current students/apprentices, and all serious seekers with or without Anderson Faery experience.

The event: The Faery tradition is an ecstatic and bardic form of witchcraft; queer, and sparkling, and expansive. Don’t miss this rare opportunity for an immersive, intimate experience of Feri/Faery, as taught by the Grandmaster and a holder of the Black Wand. Join Anaar and Storm as they weave their magic together in the form of poetry, storytelling, art, ritual, and song, leading us into the realm of enchantment, to touch the source of all power, and then return safely home again. We will draw from the creation myth of our tradition as a guide, leading us through the themes of creation, spell work, purification, psychic development, sex magic, and shadow work.

While sexuality and sex magick will be discussed, there will be no nudity, sexual touch, or other non-consensual activities as part of our time together.

The venue: A historic retreat centre close to Nijmegen, the Netherlands. There are just 24 places available at the venue, which has a wheelchair-accessible toilet and shower. The surroundings are beautiful and include trails that are great for a walk or run. There is no camping possible at the venue, and parking is limited. That being said, there is great bus service that stops right in front of the venue, and train service (from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels etc.) to Nijmegen Centraal is excellent.

Cost: €390 is our optimistic break-even, and includes 3 joyful meals plus snacks each day. (For those whose pockets can extend a bit farther than that, we thank you – we’ll be able to extend bursaries to those who need it.) To secure your space, we request a deposit of €195 by 15 April 2024, balance due no later than 1 June 2024. Full information and directions to the venue upon payment of registration fee.

Early Bird Special: (in this case, an Early Peacock!) For those who want to help ensure the success of this event, we are pleased to offer an ‘Early Enabler’ price (and our thanks): Pay €350 in full by 1 March 2024. For bank transfer information contact Fortuna at

Contact: Fortuna at