What is the F(a)eri(e) Tradition?
Many different paths and practices bear the name “Faery”. Also spelled “Faerie”, “Fairy”, and “Feri”, this book is an introduction to a specific initiatory path of American Traditional Witchcraft based on the teachings and lineage of the late Victor & Cora Anderson and Gwydion Pendderwen. Written by longtime initiate and teacher Storm Faerywolf, Betwixt & Between offers history, philosophies, and foundational practices of this often-misunderstood path of the Craft. Whether it is your intention to study and practice this specific tradition, or you just want to learn more about another way of practicing magic, Betwixt & Between offers powerful tools and insights from this obscure tradition in the hopes of inspiring others to make stronger their own Witchcraft practice.
“Storm Faerywolf deftly shares powerful teachings and techniques for those who would seek to know the way of Faery, helping Witches on any path find their way deeper into the mysteries.”
―Christopher Penczak,
author of the Temple of Witchcraft series
Faery (also known as Feri) is a tradition of great power and beauty. Originating in the West Coast of the United States separately from the Wicca tradition in England, Faery’s appeal is grounded in its focus on power and results. This book provides the tools you need to begin your own Faery-style magical practice. Discover the foundational mythology and rites of the Faery tradition as well as steps and techniques for:
Creating an Altar • Summoning the Faery Fire • Engaging the Shadow • Exploring the Personal Trinity • Purifying the Primal Soul • Working with the Iron Pentacle • Aligning Your Life Force • Developing Spirit Alliances • Journeying Between the Worlds • Exploring Air, Fire, Water & Earth • Enhancing Faery Power
Personal experimentation and creative exploration are the heart and soul of Faery. The rituals, recipes, exercises, and lore within will help you project your consciousness into realms beyond this world, opening you to the experience of spiritual ecstasy.

“Spiritual and poetic while remaining grounded in the timeless wisdom of the Witch, Betwixt and Between opens the sacred gates to the often misunderstood Anderson Faery tradition. Storm Faerywolf deftly shares powerful teachings and techniques for those who would seek to know the way of Faery, helping Witches on any path find their way deeper into the mysteries.”
–Christopher Penczak,
author of the Temple of Witchcraft series
“There are many paths that witches may walk, and they are guided by as many lights as there are stars in the sky. In Betwixt and Between by Storm Faerywolf, the light of one of the traditions born of Victor and Cora Anderson’s teachings is presented as a flame, a beacon, that will call home those who souls that long to become the enchantment of the Earth. The teachings and the techniques in the book are also seeds and portals that can grow and broaden the practice of any magical practitioner.”
–Ivo Dominguez, Jr.,
author of Spirit Speak and Casting Sacred Space
“This daring work will lead you astray into wildness and then back to yourself again. Faerywolf’s mastery of the Craft is fully present. If you have the courage to claim your full nature, Betwixt and Between will give you the tools.”
–David Salisbury,
author of A Mystic Guide to Cleansing & Clearing
“Betwixt and Between is an elegant glimpse into an important facet of American Paganism. Faerywolf offers not only a history of Faery Craft, but also basic fundamentals of the good Witchcraft. Full of beautiful exercises and simple practices, Faerywolf leads the reader through their Craft journey as deftly as if he were in the room. An excellent addition to every practitioners bookshelf!”
–Courtney Weber,
author of Brigid: History, Mystery, and Magick of the Celtic Goddess
and Tarot For One: The Art of Reading for Yourself